Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Vet Wannabees

The second day of our HORSE COURSE 2009, was themed "Vet Wannabees". Participants were involved in daily barn routines, a riding lesson and lots and lots of talk and hands on practice with horse health!

The three little monkeys up in the viewing area were the winners of our mini-barn-olympics, which left the other two doing push ups. Gotta get faster with those wheelbarrel serpentines girls!

Not at all bad for a first-timer! All morning participants spent learning how to wrap with polo wraps. The afternoon came time for them to test their skills with a real roll of cotton and vetrap.

(on pretend injuries, of course!)

Do you know how to check your horse's hydration? Josie does! And now we have record of each horse's normal parametres.

Checking for a pulse. At first no one could find one. We thought the horses might be dead. Then, luckily, someone found one. Phew!

Oral meds, always a handy thing to know how to do!

(Shhhhh..... it's there, I promise)

Checking each horse for differences in normal gut sounds. Now we know!
Congrats Drs. Ferguson and Ferguson, Dr. Pratt, and Dr. Gordon!

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