Thursday, September 10, 2009


The horse show/exhibition is fast approaching, please stay tuned for entry forms and more details. The show will start between 9:00am and 9:30 (I will confirm a time once I have all my entries in). I expect to have youth showing in the morning, and adult riders in the afternoon. This however, is generally speaking and is flexible for riders who are only available at certain times. I am hoping we will have everything wrapped up no later than 3:30 so that we can have a fun celebration and awards type ceremony to conclude things by 4 or 4:30. There will be a break for lunch with some fun games for the riders and their friends and family. We will also have a small food booth with some drinks and snacks. Entry fees are included on the entry forms and we would appreciate them in advance of the show, but will also accept them the day of.
Remember this is a FUN show! Non-competitive and a great opportunity to test your riding abilities, get some feedback and meet some new people!
Riders are encouraged to wear collared, button down, long sleeved shirts, a belt, jeans, a helmet, and riding boots. They should appear neat and clean, with any stray hairs tucked in or clipped back.
VOLUNTEERS: ARE APPRECIATED!!! We will be needed another babysitter, someone to share food booth duties, a pattern-setter-upper, a clean up crew to keep things looking spiffy in the barn and extra hands at the end of the day when all the excitement is over and we need to get things back in ship shape!

Also, a huge thanks is in order for Janice Williams (the owner of the farm) who has offerred to host the show at no charge to us. Without her generosity the show would not be able to go on as there are so many start up fees for this first time show for us.

Please contact me with any further questions or concerns! Looking forward to seeing you all with your game faces on!

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