Thursday, January 22, 2009

Horsey Quotes

"A boy is a long time before he knows his alphabet, longer before he has learned to spell, and perhaps several years before he can read distinctly; and yet there are some people who, as soon a they get on a young horse, entirely undressed and untaught, fancy that by beating and spurring they will make him a dressed horse in one morning only. I would fain ask such stupid people whether by beating a boy they would teach him to read without first showing him the alphabet? Sure they would beat him to death before they would make him read."
- Reproduced from The Man Who Listens to Horses - Original source unknown.

So it looks like I'm not the only one who uses this exact same comparison......although my version is maybe a little less articulate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, Monty Roberts... I remember reading his book when I was little :D